Big Sleep Show Jan 16-17 at the Washington DC Convention Center

SleepPhones will have a booth at the Big Sleep Show next weekend! The Big sleep Show is part of the NBC 4 Health Expo. The National Sleep Foundation invited us to be part of the Expo, and we're very excited about attending.

We've done smaller local booths in the past, and we walked around the Big Sleep Show in Chicago last year.  This will be our first booth at a national expo.

We've hired 3 people to work for us. Chris and Patrick grew up together in Germantown, MD and are both going to school in the area. Chris is majoring in marketing, and Patrick is majoring in economics. They both worked door-to-door selling windows in the past. Jackie has a Juris Doctorate but prefers marketing. During the week, she does marketing for a big law firm. She loves talking to people so she finds opportunities to work with new products at expos on weekends. They are all fantastic people, and we're happy to have them helping us out.

We did our usual trick on Craig's List to find people. :-) It works! But we did screen out the people who couldn't spell or write a complete sentence. The people who did not provide a good reason for us to contact them or provide enough contact information were screened out. Some people had modeling experience and sent us great pictures — but scantily clad. Others sent non-professional fuzzy pictures, like from a webcam. It's important to show professionalism when looking for a job, even one that's just for a day. There are many other qualified good candidates who responded, but we found the few we needed within a day.

This picture is from our previous booth at the Entrepreneurial Women's Expo in October.

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