SleepPhones® Blog Page 9

New Checkout System

New Checkout System installed.Although you may not see much on the outside, we've changed how you check out in the store today. You can use either PayPal or a regular store checkout now. It seems to...

Get better summer slumber

 Get better summer slumber Quite a few of our customers have been asking where they can get a thinner fabric for their SleepPhones for the warm-weather months. While we don’t have a thinner fabric...

Melatonin: Your Body’s Natural Sleep Remedy

Melatonin: Your Body’s Natural Sleep Remedy Everyone has an internal clock.  For most people, this clock tells our bodies when to wake and when to shut down or sleep.  The biologic rhythm of the...

Fantastic response rate on survey

We have the best customers! We recently sent out a survey about possible upcoming products to our previous customers. We have an almost 10% response rate within the first 24 hours, with just one...


RUNPHONES LIFESTYLE SHOOT Carina Romano Photography specializing in product, architecture, portraiture and landscapes in and around Philadelphia, Pa. Read more Aug 9, 2012

Cutting Fido (or Fluffy) Loose

Cutting Fido (or Fluffy) Loose We previously shared the importance of evicting your pet from your bed. A lot of our readers feel that this is way easier said than done. Now that you know why your pet...

Sleepphones to help you sleep

Sleepphones to help you sleep A couple months ago, I bought Sleepphones (the ones above) and have bn using them w. my MP3 to help get to sleep and during the night, get back to sleep. Very good....

Top 10 Sleep-Deprived Occupations

Top 10 Sleep-Deprived Occupations Many factors can be involved when it comes to sleep deprivation, including diet, stress, your environment, and … your job? That’s right: according to a recent study...

Sleep Phones by AcousticSheep

Sleep Phones by AcousticSheep A bad night's sleep can really affect a workout. If you wake up tired, you won't have the energy to complete a full workout, and you won't be motivated to make the most...

How Lack of Sleep Can Impact Your Health

How Lack of Sleep Can Impact Your Health In a perfect world, everyone gets as much sleep as they need. They go to bed at a decent hour and wake up feeling revived and refreshed. It’s not exactly a...

Cutest Rapping Dancing Pregnant Ladies - BellyRest

Cutest Rapping Dancing Pregnant Ladies - BellyRest Another mompreneur friend of mine invented a cool pillow for pregnant women, which I used during my 3rd trimester and even for nursing. She needs...

Garbage Truck Fiasco

Garbage Truck Fiasco Our shipments to our customers are picked up daily by our postal carrier. She saw that there was nothing in the bin yesterday so she doubled checked with us. Good thing she did...

Snooze Away to a Happier, Healthier You

Snooze Away to a Happier, Healthier You Most of us have noticed that, after a sleepless night, we become irritable, moody, and more susceptible to anxiety.  The connection between sleep and mood is...

mother managing fatigue while balancing parenting and work

Fighting the fatigue battle

Fight the fatigue battle In our overworked, overstressed world, many people struggle with fatigue.  Let’s face it.  We are a sleep-deprived nation of people who just don’t have enough...

Top 5 Sleep-Killing Foods to Avoid

Top 5 Sleep-Killing Foods to Avoid While there are plenty of foods that can help the brain and body rest, there are many more that may disrupt your natural sleep patterns and keep you awake. If you...

Eat Your Way to a Better Night’s Sleep

Eat Your Way to a Better Night’s Sleep Diet is one of the easiest things to control and adjust, and studies have shown that it is possible to eat our way to a better night’s sleep. Certain foods have...

Sleep Phones

Sleep Phones At one point or the other, you probably felt the need to sleep with some music accompaniment. Using speakers might disturb your family members sleeping in the room next to you, so you...

Panty Pinata Party

SleepPhones Owner Helps Panty Pinata Entrepreneur That's actually my baby in Heather's arms. Her baby is being floated around with her friends. Through the local Small Business Development Center in...

Sleepphones Review

Sleepphones Review What are they? They’re essentially headphones you can use comfortably while sleeping. SleepPhone was created by Wei-Shin Lai, an American doctor who had trouble sleeping. Back in...

SleepPhones Featured on

I’m up till all hours of the night. I feel more productive at night and it’s just the way I’ve always been. That being said, my husband goes to sleep early and gets up early, I use headphones so I...

Sleep Phones – Count Sheep to your Favorite Tunes

Sleep Phones – Count Sheep to your Favorite Tunes I’m up till all hours of the night. I feel more productive at night and it’s just the way I’ve always been. That being said, my husband goes to sleep...

International Customers Please Use PayPal

International Orders - Please Use PayPal We are often asked if we ship internationally. SleepPhones have actually been on every single continent on Earth! A friend of the owner went to Antarctica...

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