Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Reimbursement

Medical Necessity Form along with SleepPhones and a calculator

The cost of your SleepPhones®, when prescribed by your physician to treat a diagnosed medical condition such as insomnia or tinnitus, is a reimbursable FSA or HRA expense according to the IRS. Many plan administrators consider SleepPhones® to be a qualified expense under these guidelines. By following the claim process below, you can submit the cost of your SleepPhones® to your plan administrator for reimbursement.

  1. Ask your doctor to complete the letter of medical necessity. Download here.
  2. Fill out a FSA/HSA claim form provided by your plan administrator or HR department.
  3. Attach a copy of your SleepPhones® receipt.
  4. Submit the signed letter of medical necessity along with your receipt(s) to your FSA/HAS administrator for reimbursement. Eligibility for reimbursement of the cost of SleepPhones® is at the sole discretion of your plan administrator.
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